Treatment to remove tattoos and pigmented lesions laser involves the application of different types of laser lights of different colors to achieve an effective erase mode different tattoo inks. Depending on the size and number of colors of every tattoo more or fewer sessions are required. For example, to remove small tattoos and single color may require one to two sessions but to one of several colors may require at least four sessions. The prerequisite is allowed to elapse a minimum period of six weeks between each session. Generally, topical anesthesia is used to reduce pain during treatment, which usually produce immediate effects on the skin such as redness and scabs, which fall off within a maximum period of one week. As the treatment progresses, the skin color will go to normal.
Treatment with laser to eliminate tattoos and pigmented lesions involves the application of different types of laser with lights of different colours to effectively erase the different inks of the tattoos. The number of sessions depends on the size and number of colours in each tattoo. For example, to remove small tattoos, and a single colour, may require between one and two sessions, but one of several colours may require at least four sessions. The indispensable condition is to allow a minimum period of six weeks between sessions. Generally, topical anaesthesia is used to decrease pain during treatment, which usually produces immediate effects on the skin, such as redness and scabs, which are shed within a maximum period of one week. As the treatment progresses, the colour of the skin will normalise.