Earfold®: an innovative technique to correct protruding ears
Earfold® is a technique to correct protruding ears. A device is used to introduce an implant into the ear via a small incision. The implant is used to modify the fold of the atrial cartilage to enable reshaping and repositioning of the ear as required.
Earfold®: what is the implant?
Before the Earfold® technique is employed, a test device is used which simulates the procedure before the operation is performed. By placing one of these devices in the patient's ear, it can be established that the Earfold® technique is suitable for the patient and also enables the patient to see how the deformity will be corrected.
During the procedure, the device is introduced under the skin and glued to the cartilage. Once the implant is released, it will adopt a position similar to that seen during the simulation, and the cartilage of the ear is folded into the desired position.
What is the difference between Earfold® and otoplasty?
Until now, the only option for correcting protruding ears was the surgical technique known as otoplasty. Otoplasty is a surgical technique that requires an operating room and using either a local or general anaesthetic. The Earfold® technique is much quicker and does not require a hospital stay. The technique can be performed with local anaesthesia and takes around 20 minutes compared to the 60-90 minutes an otoplasty operation takes.
Are there any risks with Earfold®?
The main advantage of the Earfold® technique over otoplasty is that it only needs local anaesthesia, so that the complications of this procedure will be minimal. Local anaesthesia usually does not cause issues for a patient unless they have an allergy to anaesthetic. Additionally, only a minimal incision is required to introduce the device. The device is placed just below the perichondrium, and below the skin, and being made from a nickel alloy and titanium, should integrate well and not cause problems for the patient.